We are, all of us, beginning to wrap up this year. I noticed I have been writing less and I think it’s a reflection of the strange weight of 2024. There is an eerie sense of familiarity to certain aspects of life. And at the same time so many unprecedented things have happened over the last 11 months.
As we look to 2025, there will be challenges, both personal and professional. This is a certainty. What we can do is stay strong, positive and focused. Be kind to yourselves and each other. Lead with grace. Celebrate the little things. Practice self care. Reflect and refocus. Sharing the excerpt below as we move forward - together.
“You have overcome every single thing that has been unexpected, that has been heartwrenching, that has not gone your way. You have built a life within the complete unknown, you have reconstructed a new version of yourself from the pieces of what you thought would be. You have always contained within yourself the remarkable strength of the human spirit, and no matter what tomorrow will bring, you will carry that power into it, too.”
from The Pivot Year, by Brianna Wiest