February 2020
1.) the accomplishment of an aim or purpose
How do we measure success? Small business ownership in the food industry is hard, no question, but it’s a choice. You have to really love it to succeed. The definition of success is different for everyone, of course, but I think the basis of that thought holds true for most people.
You have to love the job enough to plumb your own sink when you need to, as my husband can tell you. You have to embrace the changes in the industry and take them as they come. You have to stay true to your vision. Consistency is key. It is truly a marathon and not a sprint. When you do the job of three people, it’s important to remember where you came from, what lessons you have learned and why you are doing what you are doing every single day. Sometimes people ask me what I think about what others are doing, but I can’t speak to someone else’s point of view; and I don’t know that anyone can, really? What works for one person, whether it’s experimental or based in classics and foundational systems may not work for another. My business is not quite 4 years old. However, having been in this industry for 25 + years I can speak from my experience - and what I have learned from my mentors:
Treat your guests as you would in your home.
Be gracious.
Treat your staff the way you would want to be treated.
Have integrity.
You cannot make everyone happy, but you can try.
Protect yourself and your personal stake in your business.
Surround yourself with like minded people.
There are exceptions to every rule.
Remember that you make your own choices.
Remember to take some time for self care.
What I know to be true is that we get tremendous satisfaction out of making people happy and exceeding their expectations. That’s not to say that doing so is always easy; sometimes you realize that some people are not people you would invite into your home. Awards are lovely and can help increase the bandwidth of your brand. But doing something well…not spreading too thin and really being conscious in my choices is so important to me. Life in any career is full of sacrifices. But at the end of the day I control my own destiny and my own happiness in my career path. When I wake up in the morning I try to think about what things will push me across the finish line for today. And, for me at least, that is the definition of success.