The American mindset (at least in finer dining settings) is geared towards comfort with tipping your server for the evening. I understand that there are places where the minimum wage may be low and a tip seems more of a compensation for that inequity. Washington is not one of those states.
Excepting special events, we do not include a service charge built into our prices. We do not add automatic gratuities to parties of 6. We do however have a very hardworking team that provides, what we hope, is an exceptional experience. The norm at Copine is that they are left a roughly 20% - 25% gratuity.
As of late, I notice one table a night adding a 5% tip. Yes, it is irregular, but it does give us pause.
We kindly ask that guests do not make an assumption that a gratuity is included. Please be gracious to your serviceperson and tip them appropriately. They maintain a very high standard for us, for themselves and for you. Always feel free to ask questions and engage in dialogue…thank you!