October 2019
the state of being a partner or partners
Shaun and I have only worked in the back and front of house respectively, and our goals have always aligned: seek out great places to work and learn, in order to create something we can be proud of.
Make a place that feeds our guests, our staff and our souls.
We met opening Per Se in New York City in 2004, surrounded by an incredible team of people. It’s very rare to be part of an opening that’s as magical as that one was. Looking back on that time was the inspiration for our Alumni Dinner Series. Reconnecting with these partners from our past and telling their current story alongside our own. A very special thank you to: André Hueston Mack, Philip Tessier, Timothy Hollingsworth, Matt Louis, Paul Roberts, Aaron Grosskopf and John Adler for taking time away from your very busy lives to join us here at Copine…you all are the ultimate inspiration for team building.
Creating lasting partnerships with those that surround you is a must. Most of us in the hospitality industry know that finding a work-life balance is difficult; by and large work is life. This business is full of so many unknowns; you really need a rock solid foundation in order to hang on tight for the ride. Are my partnerships strong? Absolutely. With my husband and business partner, my team, my investors, my neighbors, my building manager. Each of these is so important. Without the ability to partner with those closest to you, it’s very easy to get lost. When I have a regular guest who shares with me that they are dealing with a family member in hospice, I do what I can to make their evening extra special. And my team, my partners, rally around these folks. When an employee admits their personal struggles to me, I do everything within my abilities to help them. When my staff says to me “take a day off…we will take care of things” I feel such gratitude. We built our work family, slowly and over time. Snow storms, equipment issues, cook shortages, decreases in business level, increases in costs, payroll taxes. These unforeseen things are all part of small business ownership. Life is not perfect. Perfection does not exist - it’s the journey to get there that makes the difference.
Having partners that lift you up when you need it is everything.